Find the perfect class for your child. We pride ourselves on bringing able to provide an encouraging, safe and fun environment for your child to grow, learn and develop. Whether you have a baby bopper who is ready to take centre stage or a young professional who is looking for guidance and expertise along their journey; we have the right class for you. Book a FREE trial class to find a suitable style for your dancer today!

Hip Hop
Class Types
Recreational Group Classes
We offer a wide range of hobby classes for school-aged kids. These classes are upbeat, stress-free and provide the dancer with a chance to meet like-minded kids, develop their skills and most importantly; time to have fun!
Competition Classes
For the advanced dancer; we offer Competition Classes where students refine their technique, develop advanced skills and work hard to prepare for performances.
Skill Development
Dancers of all ability levels are welcome to join our skill development classes. This includes; acrobatics, stretch and strength and conditioning classes. We are continually updating our skill development classes and opportunities to best assist our students and their goals.
Private Classes
We offer a limited number of Private Classes to students who wish to work one on one, or in a small group with their teacher to develop advanced skills and perform at local events and competitions.